What is the best way to manage iptables from one point and have the ability to edit something on local server.

We need to add some rules centralized on all servers, but we have specific servers with specific requirements which should have their own set of rules.

I thought about bash script with multiple include which is managed centralized with ansible and includes managed on local server. Is it good approach? Or maybe there is something better?

We can't create yml2 templates for ansible because there is too much difference between specific hosts.

Please provide examples of centralized management of iptables.

4 Answers 4



Ansible has a ufw module in order to handle firewall rules. In roles/common/tasks/main.yml, which is included in all my servers, I have (among other things):

- name: Install ufw
  apt: name=ufw
- name: Allow ssh through firewall
  ufw: proto=tcp port=22 rule=allow
- name: Set ufw policy
  ufw: state=enabled direction=incoming policy=deny

Edit: It is necessary to allow ssh before setting default policy to "deny" (originally it was opposite above), otherwise you may be locked out in between the two steps.

Then, in each role, I have additional firewall rules for that role. For example, in roles/nginx/tasks/main.yml, I have (among other things) this:

- name: Allow nginx firewall
  ufw: proto=tcp port=80 rule=allow
- name: Allow nginx ssl firewall
  ufw: proto=tcp port=443 rule=allow

So all my nginx servers have ports 80 and 443 opened.

This way you can build whatever common configuration you want and add additional rules in more specific roles.


If you have rules which ufw cannot handle, one solution I think would work nicely is ferm; it can do almost anything, and you can configure it to read rules from directories such as /etc/ferm/input.d/, /etc/ferm/output.d/, /etc/ferm/forward.d/, etc. You could make your common role prepare the essential ferm configuration and then have other roles drop files in these directories.

plain iptables

Your requirement to have ansible specify rules in addition to rules specified in another way is unusual and apparently defies most of the point for using ansible. Unfortunately I don't see any way to do it other than with plain iptables, which would be quite ugly. Here is an example of opening up port 80 in roles/nginx/tasks/main.yml (untested):

- name: Check if port 80 is allowed
  shell: iptables -L | grep -q "Allow http" && echo -n yes || echo -n no
  register: check_allow_http
  changed_when: no
  always_run: yes

- name: Allow port 80
  command: >
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80
    -m comment --comment "Allow http" -j ACCEPT
  when: check_allow_http.stdout == "no"
  - Save iptables

where Save iptables is a handler that executes iptables-save. All the above is quite tedious to write, but it might be appropriate, especially if you have only a few rules to manage with ansible.

  • If i remember correctly with this approach i can't use ipset and create something very specific. We are using module owner in iptables. For example we have iptables -m owner --uid 0 -j ACCEPT. I can't use this module with ufw in ansible and can't edit something without ansible on local server.
    – Navern
    Aug 14, 2014 at 10:49
  • Indeed, ufw apparently can't handle your needs; but what do you mean when you say you "can't edit something without ansible on local server"? Aug 14, 2014 at 11:25
  • Is there another solution? I stuck with this case, hard to solve. In general i mean that i need to only add NEW rules with ansible without breaking existing one. Do not store all configuration on server with ansible. English not my native language, so i hope i made myself clear:)
    – Navern
    Aug 14, 2014 at 11:28
  • Updated my answer with some alternatives. Aug 14, 2014 at 12:27
  • Thank you veru much i will look into this, especially ferm.
    – Navern
    Aug 14, 2014 at 14:45


If you want to manage rules in your iptables configuration without overwriting existing rules or centrally managing iptables in a template, use Ansible's lineinfile module:

- name: ensure iptables allows established and related traffic
    insertafter="^:OUTPUT " line="-A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT" 
  notify: restart iptables

- name: ensure iptables is configured to allow ssh traffic (port 22/tcp)
    insertafter="^.*INPUT.*ESTABLISHED,RELATED.*ACCEPT" line="-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT" 
  notify: restart iptables

Here's the "restart iptables" handler:

- name: restart iptables
  service: name=iptables state=restarted

I created a role to manage iptables rules with the following features:

  • Support virtually all iptables rules
  • Allow granular rules addition/overriding for specific hosts
  • Easily inject variables in the rules
  • Allow rules ordering
  • Simplicity
  • Persistence (reload the rules at boot)

Check out mikegleasonjr.firewall on ansible galaxy or on github


We wrote a special module for this called iptables_raw which allows us to easily manage iptables. Everything is explained in this blog post. Here is an example of how to use the module:

# Allow all IPv4 traffic coming in on port 80
- iptables_raw:
    rules='-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT'

# Delete the above rule
- iptables_raw:
  • we have solved this issue with this script: github.com/SmilingNavern/iptables.
    – Navern
    Jul 7, 2016 at 11:16
  • But there is no proper documentation currently. I can explain how it works and post as answer later.
    – Navern
    Jul 7, 2016 at 11:16

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