
I have captured traffic with dumpcap and filtered http only with Wireshark.

I want to see statistics about that http traffic. For example: requests grouped by method and URL, ordered by number of occurrences, etc. Then, I would like to graph the group sizes on a PIE chart.

How do I that? What tools do I use?

  • Why did you rate me down -1?
    – Wojtek
    Aug 31, 2014 at 15:03
  • possible duplicate of How do I save filtered traffic with Wireshark 1.10?
    – deagh
    Aug 31, 2014 at 16:55
  • Please read carefully. This question is about grouping traffic and charting the groups. The one you pointed to is about saving filtered traffic.
    – Wojtek
    Aug 31, 2014 at 17:37

1 Answer 1


Menu Statistic ->HTTP -> packet Counter/Requests/Load Distri ... or use a filter when you run wireshark for sniffing http traffic : in the filter bar : http. one list apparea for all options for HTTP


menu statistic -> Flow Graph for see conversation

or use python scapy library for that is very powerfull

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