I think I'm chasing my own tail here and I've decided to ask all you gurus.

I have two machines, one has a reverse proxy Nginx and the other an Apache running several virtual hosts.

The nginx correctly does the proxy_pass and I'm able to view the index.html, but not any other file than that.

I attach the conf file for the nginx host (nbte.com.br, ( and the apache virtual host (SIPREPWWPRESS03.simosa.inet)

NGINX - 083-nbte.conf

server {

listen       80;
server_name  nbte.com.br www.nbte.com.br;

access_log  /var/log/nginx/nbte.access.log;
error_log   /var/log/nginx/nbte.error.log error;

error_page   404 403           /handle404.html;
#error_page   502 503 504  /handle503.html;
error_page   500 502 503 504   /handle500.html;

location = /handle404.html {
     root html/errores-prxy;

location = /handle503.html {
     root html/errores-prxy;

location = /handle500.html {
     root html/errores-prxy;

location = / {
    proxy_pass http://SIPREPWWPRESS03.simosa.inet/;

SIPREPWWPRESS03.simosa.inet resolves to

APACHE - 021-nbte.conf


    ServerName    nbte.com.br
    ServerAlias   nbte.com.br www.nbte.com.br

    DocumentRoot "/apps/htmlsites/nbte"

    ErrorLog "logs/error_nbte.log"
    CustomLog "logs/nbte-access.log" combined

    <LocationMatch "/*">


    <Directory "/apps/htmlsites/nbte">
            Options +Indexes FollowSymLinks
            #AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

    # ModSecurity exceptions
    <LocationMatch "/*">
            SecRuleRemoveById 990011
            SecRuleRemoveById 960017
            SecRuleRemoveById 960015
            SecRuleRemoveById 970013

I've almost no experience with NGINX, I'm very very new to it and specially it's reverse proxy functioning. Nevertheless, I think it's a NGINX issue, since looking at the error log file I find error lines each time a static file is requested:

2015/06/25 12:00:04 [error] 5075#0: *1393 open() "/etc/nginx/html/Informacoes-Financeiras-30-junho-2014-Norte-Brasil-Transmissora-Energia.pdf" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: nbte.com.br, request: "GET /Informacoes-Financeiras-30-junho-2014-Norte-Brasil-Transmissora-Energia.pdf HTTP/1.1", host: "nbte.com.br", referrer: "http://nbte.com.br/"

2015/06/25 12:00:04 [error] 5075#0: *1393 open() "/etc/nginx/html/Informacoes-Financeiras-30-junho-2014-Norte-Brasil-Transmissora-Energia.pdf" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: nbte.com.br, request: "GET /Informacoes-Financeiras-30-junho-2014-Norte-Brasil-Transmissora-Energia.pdf HTTP/1.1", host: "nbte.com.br", referrer: "http://nbte.com.br/"

The file Informacoes-Financeiras-30-junho-2014-Norte-Brasil-Transmissora-Energia.pdf is located inside Apache's document root /apps/htmlsites/nbte alog with index.html

Many thanks in advance. Any help is really appreciated.

1 Answer 1



location = / {
proxy_pass http://SIPREPWWPRESS03.simosa.inet/;

Should be

location / {
proxy_pass http://SIPREPWWPRESS03.simosa.inet/;

As per http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpCoreModule#location

location = / {
# matches the query / only.
[ configuration A ]

location / {
# matches any query, since all queries begin with /, but regular
# expressions and any longer conventional blocks will be
# matched first.
[ configuration B ]

Example requests:

/ -> configuration A
/index.html -> configuration B

  • Indeed this was the reason :-) I changed it and now it's serving all the statics from the Apache. Thank you for your time and your solution! Best regards!
    – lgg
    Jun 25, 2015 at 11:16

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