I need to write a case using some ranges in order to write in a better way something like the following spaghetti code :

if $mem < 1024 { $retvalue = "128M" } elsif $mem < 7000 { $retvalue = "160M" } elsif $mem < 15000 { $retvalue = "192M" } elsif $mem < 31000 { $retvalue = "256M" } else { $retvalue = "512M" }

Is it possible to use a case statements by using the range fuction (on stdlib) or something better than that ?


2 Answers 2


For ranges of this magnitude, I would advise to refrain from creating ranges (i.e., arrays full of integer values for scanning).

Your approach is solid. If you really want a case statement, you could go for a piece of Ruby code and the inline_template function, but that has a performance penalty and does not add much in terms of maintainability.


Puppet's case statement can evaluate expressions and will run the first associated with the first matching case.

It doesn't quite support this:

case $mem {
  0..1023:      { $retvalue = "128M" }
  1024..6999:   { $retvalue = "160M" }
  7000...14999: { $retvalue = "192M" }
  15000..30999: { $retvalue = "256M" }
  default:      { $retvalue = "512M" }

However you can give it expressions and tell it to match the first one that's true.

So you can do this:

case true {
  $mem < 1024:  { $retvalue = "128M" }
  $mem < 7000:  { $retvalue = "160M" }
  $mem < 15000: { $retvalue = "192M" }
  $mem < 31000: { $retvalue = "256M" }
  default:      { $retvalue = "512M" }

Similarly you could use a selector to return the right value:

$retvalue = true ? {
  $mem < 1024  => "128M",
  $mem < 7000  => "160M",
  $mem < 15000 => "192M",
  $mem < 31000 => "256M",
  default      => "512M",

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