Is there a way to deploy/modify/remove//manage SQL Agent Jobs across multiple servers within a domain without third-party software?

1 Answer 1



Go to View -> Registered Servers.

Go into Database Engine -> Local Server Groups and create a new server group. Add all the servers you want to that group.

Highlight the group, then right-click for a new query window.

enter image description here

Any t-sql you run will be executed on all servers. (If you want to test this, use select @@servername.)

So, your jobs. When you make a change on one server, choose script -> drop and create to -> clipboard and paste it into a query window pointing at that group. Edit the scripted job to replace "job_id" with "job_name" and the correct job name.

Clicking Execute will update the job on all servers in the group.

(I got this image from this related question on DBA.stackexchange. Here is another useful link.)

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