Is it possible to check how much cpu time context switching is taking on windows, or better yet, an .net process?

  • Do you mean how much time the actual context switches are taking? Or do you mean how much CPU usage wouldn't have happened if not for a context switch? These are two very different things because a significant fraction of the cost of a context switch comes after the context switch in the form of caches that don't hold useful data. Sep 8, 2015 at 18:17
  • How much time of the processor is crunching context switches in a given time. like kernel time, but only accounting context switching.
    – Dangling
    Sep 8, 2015 at 21:58

1 Answer 1


Performance Monitor can be used to see the % processor time and # of context switches. The context switch counts are available in either:

  • System\Context Switches/sec counter reports system wide context switches.
  • Thread(_Total)\Context Switches/sec counter reports the total number of context switches generated per second by all threads

Context switch overhead is low but if you see a much higher number at the same time as % processor time spikes then you can start troubleshooting what is occurring at that time. Other counters can help with narrowing down what the problem might be - for example Processor Queue Length.

Ref: TechNet Monitoring Context Switches

As well from another article on Context Switches:

You can determine whether context switching is excessive by comparing it with the value of Processor\% Privileged Time. If this counter is at 40 percent or more and the context-switching rate is high, then you can investigate the cause for high rates of context switches.

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