I am trying to implement policy based autosign in puppet. I have performed following steps:

On puppet master:

  • I have created a ruby utility to autosign the certificate if matching the extension specified in csr_attributes.yaml on puppet agent then exit 0 otherwise return exit 1.
  • I have give the ruby utility executable permission for all the users.
  • Specified the ruby utility full path in [master] section of puppet.conf on master server. This is what I have set:

    autosign = $confdir/certsign.rb

On puppet agent

  • Created the file /etc/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml with the contents:

    extension_requests: pp_uuid: abcdefghijk

Now when I run puppet agent -t it is throwing the error and not auto signing the CSR:

Error: Could not request certificate: Error 400 on SERVER: Invalid pattern "first line of script"

How do I fix this error?


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