I've got two sites (example1.com and example2.com). I'd like to forward example1.com to example2.com/example1. Is there a way of doing this with just DNS? I know I could set up hosting for both domains and then just use a HTTP redirect, but I'd rather just have one hosting account. I'm with NearlyFreeSpeech if that helps.

  • I don't think so no. It is possible that you could do something just with DNS provided your web server supported it, but I don't know of anything that does that.
    – Nick Craig-Wood
    Oct 10, 2009 at 13:28
  • 2
    This question might be more appropriate for Server Fault.
    – Rob H
    Oct 10, 2009 at 13:30

3 Answers 3


Not with DNS alone because DNS only deals with host names, not paths.


Duplicate of many other questions. You should search before posting.


No, there is not. You need to use a rewrite or redirect to accomplish your goal.

In your Apache VirtualHost config for example1.com:

RedirectPermanent example1.com http://example2.com/example1

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