
I'm currently having a working 2-nodes HA cluster using Pacemaker+Corosync. My nodes are running on Debian 8 (Jessie). Now I would be able to get notified when changes occur in the cluster (resources stop/start, promote/demote, move...).

Since email reporting is so-2008, I'd like to use Slack. To do that, I created a script that uses curl to post a message to my team's Slack channel, using Slack's webhooks. My script is using environment variables that are documented here: Pacemaker - 7.3. Configuring Notifications via External-Agent.

The script works fine when executing manually in the shell and is able to post on the specified channel. It also logs to /var/log/ocf-notifier.log.


Based on this answer, I created a new resource in the cluster using Pacemaker's ocf:pacemaker:ClusterMon resource agent, which calls my custom script (/usr/local/bin/ocf-notifier).

However I noticed that my script is simply not called at all when changes occur in the node (tried stopping resource as well as completely shutting down a node).

Therefore, I tried to launch crm_mon by hand like the following:

$ crm_mon -Arf --interval=2 -E /usr/local/bin/ocf-notifier -e '@jordan'

And see if this could trigger the thing by playing around with the cluster with another shell. As it turns out, crm_mon was able to see the changes happening in the cluster (node going offline, resource being stopped/started...), but my custom script never blinked an eye. My custom log file remains empty, and nothing appears in Slack since I believe the script is simply not called.


crm_mon does not call the external agent on cluster events, as it should with -E option. What am I doing wrong?

  • Could you show your script, omitting sensitive parts if needed?
    – gxx
    Feb 15, 2016 at 8:42
  • Here's a pastebin to the script: pastebin.com/RGuY9htQ. The thing is, the script is working fine if launched manually. It is just not called by crm_mon...
    – Habovh
    Feb 15, 2016 at 8:47
  • Two more questions: 1.) Which software versions are you using? How did you install / build these? 2.) Could you show your configured ClusterMon resource?
    – gxx
    Feb 15, 2016 at 8:57
  • 1) crm 2.1.3, Pacemaker 1.1.12, corosync 2.3.4, they have been installed using apt-get install pacemaker. 2) cluster_mon_p primary resource: pastebin.com/3pCsMdSP
    – Habovh
    Feb 15, 2016 at 9:05
  • From which repo did you install pacemaker?
    – gxx
    Feb 15, 2016 at 9:07


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