What is the durability for keys generated by and stored on AWS Key Management Service?

The Cryptographic Details Document states:

Durability The durability of cryptographic keys is designed to equal that of the highest durability services in AWS

But I can't find clarification anywhere on what exactly that might be.

I know that S3 is highly durable (99.999999999%), and finding anyone ever having experienced data loss on that service is practically impossible. Given the above, statement I would assume AWS KMS to have similar or greater levels of durability than S3.

Has a documented loss of an AWS KMS key ever occured?

  • Amazon is not prone to provide clear answers to these questions without an NDA.
    – chicks
    Jun 3, 2016 at 12:04

1 Answer 1


From KMS details page:

AWS KMS stores multiple copies of encrypted versions of your keys in systems that are designed for 99.999999999% durability to help assure you that your keys will be available when you need to access them.

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