The latest server versions are listed around 6-9 and my server says...

Linux ikeyprod 2.6.28-11-server #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 02:48:10 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

Am I really running 2.6?

  • 3
    You got 4 answers, all with 1 minute time difference. But: Googling for exactly the same words that you used for your title would have yielded the result even faster :-) Mar 19, 2010 at 19:40
  • @chris_l, yeah but i don't get reputation points for people using google ;-) Mar 19, 2010 at 22:51

5 Answers 5


That's the kernel version, a single component of the Ubuntu distribution (but an important one). The best tool at your disposal for this would be lsb_release -a, which will give you the distribution name, version, and I think the codename.


You are running the 2.6 version of the linux kernel.

The best way to determine which release you are running is to either check the /etc/issue file (which can be modified by an admin.

The more portable way to do this is to use the command: lsb_release -a


You're running a 2.6 kernel. But that says nothing about your Ubuntu version. Use cat /etc/lsb-release instead. Alternatively: cat /etc/issue.


Try uname -a

Check out the man page for more info...

NAME uname − print system information


DESCRIPTION Print certain system information. With no OPTION, same as −s.

   −a, −−all
          print  all  information,  in the following order, except omit −p
          and −i if unknown:
  • The output in the question looks like it came from uname -a Mar 19, 2010 at 22:27

Over several different Linux distributions, I have found that using

 cat /etc/*release

will help me identify the Linux dialect, and its release. I know that this works for Redhat, Centos, Fedora, SuSE, and Ubuntu....probably most likely Debian and OpenSuSE as well.

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