The windows XP sigverif tool is useful for identifying non-signed executables, but does not seem to be amenable to scripting -- is there a command line equivalent?

3 Answers 3


I don't think there is a direct command line equivalent, but there are a couple of things that could get you close.

First, driverquery.exe has an argument/si that will tell you the signed status of the drivers. It also has an argument /fo csv that will dump the output to CSV. The weird part of using this command is that if you use the /si argument, you can't get the full path to the driver file (and if you use the /v option to get the full path, you can't get the signed status.

Second, if you want to go down the PowerShell path, you could use the Get-AuthenicodeSignature cmdlet. This one is weird because you have to pass a driver path into the cmdlet, so you need to build the driver list yourself. You can get that from WMI though, so something like this may suit your needs:

Get-WmiObject -class win32_systemdriver |  foreach-object { get-authenticodesignature $_.pathname }

I've used sysinternals sigcheck.exe:


Sigcheck v1.66 - File version and signature viewer Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

usage: sigcheck [-a][-h][-i][-e][-n][[-s]|[-v]|[-m]][-q][-r][-u][-c catalog file]

-a Show extended version information

-c Look for signature in the specified catalog file

-e Scan executable images only (regardless of their extension)

-h Show file hashes

-i Show catalog name and image signers

-m Dump manifest

-n Only show file version number

-q Quiet (no banner)

-r Check for certificate revocation

-s Recurse subdirectories

-u Show unsigned files only

-v Csv output

Example output:


    Verified:       Signed

    Signing date:   19:07 04/13/2008

    Publisher:      Microsoft Corporation

    Description:    Access Control List Editor

    Product:        Microsoft« Windows« Operating System

    Version:        5.1.2600.0

    File version:   5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)



I have not tried this myself, but I believe signtool has a command line option to verify signatures.

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