with my IIS7 site, i manually set the bindings for my site.

Is it possible to set these bindings in the (local) web.config file? Not a machine or app config file ... but the web.config file?

Cheers :)

2 Answers 2


You cannot. The system.webServer settings are supposed to be stored in applicationhost.config file only. web.config can have site specific changes or modification but Web site specific configuration are always stored in applicationhost.config. are element and are in turn element.

From IIS 7 Resource Kit:

ApplicationHost.config contains configuration sections and settings that only make sense globally on the server. For example, it contains site, application, and virtual directory definitions in the section and the application pool definitions for the section.


This information is stored in the application.config file, check out http://www.iis.net/ConfigReference/system.applicationHost/sites/site/application


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