
Was wondering if its possible to connect to an internal server on the domain via WWW?

Lets say the internal machine i want is at

Its running IIS / Sharepoint or whatever, something that a webbrowser understands.

The external user has, lets say, and this goes to the SBS server. When you get there it has several choices like outlook, a list of computers to connect to and finally an internal website. This internal website link should go not to the default but to the machine at Surely this cant be done?

  • 1
    Huh? You really need to reword the question into something meaningful. May 31, 2010 at 9:40
  • totally! sorry rushed ...
    – bergin
    May 31, 2010 at 9:47
  • Im thinking at the moment perhaps something to do with proxy server or dns settings?
    – bergin
    May 31, 2010 at 9:58

1 Answer 1


Found out how to do this after all. just set port forwarding to any of the attached ip's in the router.

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