I have a Windows Server 2003 server that is running sql server. Users can access the databases running on it fine, but I am unable to log on to it by remote desktop or directly at the machine. I am able to view the event logs remotely and I can't see anything that shouts out as being a problem.

What options can people think of for regaining access to this server or finding out more information about the problem?

I am able to reinstall the operating system but would like to leave that as a last resort.

  • Is there some error message when logging in directly at the machine? Does this persist after a reboot (assuming it's a machine you are ok with rebooting)?
    – Paul Kroon
    Jun 10, 2010 at 16:59
  • I am not able to log in to it directly which is the problem Jun 11, 2010 at 12:12

1 Answer 1


If you have proper credentials with sufficient privileges you can try to install the Remote Agent from Dameware NT Utilities (30 days trial) and then log on the server to fix the Remote Desktop settings.

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