What does -q and -O mean in the following cronjob?

*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -q -O /dev/null http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php
  • 3
    "ServerFault: We will RTFM so that you won't need to!" *sigh* Jun 28, 2010 at 14:36
  • This is now the number 1 result for UTFG "wget q" Dec 9, 2014 at 13:33

2 Answers 2


They are actually options for the wget command and not to do with cron's operation.

-q tells wget to operate quietly (ie. to not output the usual status information)
-O /dev/null tells it to output to /dev/null

Type man wget for more info on wget's operation and options.

  • if we you want to output to STDOUT just replace "/dev/null" to dash symbol "-" Nov 20, 2021 at 2:00

You can find this in wget manpage.
-O is the location where the file is save, here the file will be trashed
-q is to suppress console output

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