Using lsof -i I can see there is a reverse ssh tunnel set up on my server:

sshd       1321   remote    8u  IPv4 219299       TCP localhost.localdomain:mvs-capacity (LISTEN)

How can I find out the IP address of the machine that created this tunnel?


5 Answers 5


lsof -nPp 1321


Run lsof -i | grep 1321 to see the other connections the pid has, one of which should be the ip of the machine that created the tunnel.


or you can use netstat -a


Try netstat -ntp | grep 1321 (replace 1321 with the pid of the process in question.). This will allow you to see the network connections.


To get only the ip address you can do this.

netstat -ntp | grep "27750" | awk '{print $5}' | awk -F ':' '{print $1}'

If you know that you only have one tunnel you can use this without knowledge of the pid.

netstat -ntp | grep "sshd: root" | awk '{print $5}' | awk -F ':' '{print $1}'
  • Remember that netstat is deprecated and may not be installed on modern Linux systems. Jan 17, 2018 at 9:30

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