I have problem connecting my slave to master. In past it was working fine and since I restart my master then slave cannot connect.

I checked the slave user on master all good. Everything on slave is the way it suppose to be. But every-time I start the slave my IO Thread is not connecting to master.

Any idea?

  • Why would you edit his post like that?
    – Kyle Buser
    Sep 14, 2010 at 18:16
  • I corrected tags and made minor grammatical corrections. What do you take exception to, @KyleBuser?
    – Warner
    Sep 14, 2010 at 18:20
  • Deleted his Thanks and added typo in the title. I understand the tags, but the other stuff, just wondering why even bother ;o
    – Kyle Buser
    Sep 14, 2010 at 18:43
  • 1
    My edit was primarily for the tags. mysql tags are well organized and I would like to keep it that way.
    – Warner
    Sep 14, 2010 at 19:02

2 Answers 2


You probably have the Slave_IO_Running but not the Slave_SQL_Running. In other words, binlogs are updating but queries aren't running. You can verify this with SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G.

Execute stop slave; and then start slave; on the slave to restart both IO and SQL.

Otherwise, produce any errors in the SHOW SLAVE STATUS and the error log, and I will be able to provide further recommendation.

  • the issue was the firewall. I could get connected to my master because the firewall was blocking me. Thanks for your comment. Sep 14, 2010 at 21:06

Can you give the print out from both SHOW MASTER STATUS\G and SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G on the respective servers.

Have you checked the logs yet? Specifically: /var/lib/mysql/[servername].err

I had the same thing happen to me after a restart, what I ended up having to do was reset the replication so that it used a new bin log file.

  • the issue was the firewall. I could get connected to my master because the firewall was blocking me. Thanks for your comment. Sep 14, 2010 at 21:06

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