I'm accessing through ssh to a linux box. I was simply updateing the packages with yum update. I then disconnected but when I connnected again with ssh using the same account I couldn't now if the update process had already finished.

How can I know the status of tasks I've started before disconnecting when I reconnect to the server?

3 Answers 3


You can verify if anything is still running using

ps -aux | grep yum

But I'm pretty sure it will be killed as soon as you get disconnected.

If you need to run something after you leave use nohup


What you really want to do is run this in screen.

Every day when I come into the office, I ssh to my development / db server and run screen -RD, which reconnects my session as if I had never disconnected. You should be able to yum install screen.

See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 to start, and http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/ for a comprehensive reference.


Use screen. Just start screen, do your stuff and when you got disconnected, run: screen -r or screen -Dr.

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