I wanted to track which process in my windows OS is eating up my bandwidth. I've found similar question for Linux. The tool mentioned in this answer is available for linux only I think. Is there any similar kind of tool for windows?

3 Answers 3


Refer below question already asked before on ServerFault. That might meet your requirements.

Is there any way to limit bandwidth usage by process ID in Windows?


You can use bwmon, it's written in Python and released under the BSD license (you can use and modify it as you like, even for commercial use).


Here are some key features of "bwmon":

· Combination of conntrack+pipe monitors possible · Open Framework: Create new monitoring methods · Support for SLA parameter input (bandwidth allocation) · Support for SLA violation notification to external services · Fully documented source code and user manual · Uses ip_conntrack to track connections · Alternative, cross-platform "pipe" traffic monitor · Easily customizable: Written in Python


Try using Networx, it's what I use and seems to work fine. You can also set quota.

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