I have a shared hosting pack with 2 domains, one is the default domain bought with the pack, and the second will be pointed to a sub-directory within my root.

The problem is that I want both the domains to point to sub-directories.

The current architecture is:

1- domain1.com -> www/

2- domain2.com -> www/domain2/

and because this is not very tidy, as the second domain's directory will look like a sub-directory in the first domain, I want the architecture to be like this:

1- domain1.com -> www/domain1/

2- domain2.com -> www/domain2/

to keep a clean tree.

I think this would be achieved by a .htaccess file located in the root www/

So, how to do it? and is there any side effects?


  • Which shared hosting?
    – Aren B
    Feb 18, 2011 at 1:11
  • at OVH ovh.com Feb 18, 2011 at 1:28
  • 1
    Then you need to discuss this with OVH support. Feb 18, 2011 at 2:14

2 Answers 2


Your going to need to access the Apache config and change the directory there for your Vhosts.

  • how to do that in a shared hosting (OVH) Feb 18, 2011 at 0:33

What I have seen done in some cases is people get an admin domain name and then place the individual sites in separate directories.

admindomain.com -> www/
   domain1.com -> www/domain1
   domain2.com -> www/domain2

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