The lanl.arxiv.org math and scientific preprint service (formerly known as xxx.lanl.gov) has a strict policy against bots that ignore its robots.txt, Robots Beware. On that page, the have a link labelled with "Click here to initiate automated 'seek-and-destroy' against your site", which is forbidden by their robots.txt but presumably badly behaved robots will follow it, and reap the consequences. The question, what are the actual consequences? I have never had the guts to actually click on that link to see what it does. What can they be doing that is both effective and legal?

  • Heh, cool... Clicking the link...
    – Shog9
    May 1, 2009 at 16:18
  • 6
    Shucks, just a page that holds the connection open for ages and ages. Nothing too interesting. Hey, why are there men with guns here
    – Shog9
    May 1, 2009 at 16:21

2 Answers 2


[reverse DNS result]: you've been identified as a robot operating in violation of the guidelines posted at arxiv.org.

If this determination is in error, please report to [email protected] so your problem can be investigated.

Scanning, Initialized:

10 minutes to Trinity...
9 minutes to Trinity...
8 minutes to Trinity...
7 minutes to Trinity...
6 minutes to Trinity...
5 minutes to Trinity...
4 minutes to Trinity...
3 minutes to Trinity...
2 minutes to Trinity...
1 minute to Trinity...

Ground zero. Have a nice day.


So... it's a page that would waste 10 minutes of a very naive bot's time. Probably useless for combating malicious bots, but might save some bandwidth when faced with a badly-written site-scraper.


No consequences other than spinning for a bit. Most browsers (and probably their server) will just timeout after a bit. They probably just cause more harm to themselves with this than the bots.

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