I've been trying to install KVM on Ubuntu 11 64bit now. I've been following the docs from the Ubuntu site and everything is going well. I've reached the point where I need to build my VM and it said that I could execute this `sudo ubuntu-vm-builder kvm inteprid to create the VM.

Why is that Intrepid is the latest version available?

1 Answer 1


On 11.04 output of ubuntu-vm-builder kvm ubuntu --help shows following:

--suite=SUITE       Suite to install. Valid options: dapper gutsy hardy
                    intrepid jaunty karmic lucid maverick natty [default:

So I don't think it is limited to intrepid.

  • Seems like I've been relying on the docs too much. Does this install the desktop or the server version? Sorry if it sounds silly but I'm new to this. Jul 19, 2011 at 5:56
  • 1
    Well, community docs could be more outdated than packaged docs. With regards to desktop or server version I recommend opening separate question.
    – AlexD
    Jul 19, 2011 at 6:18

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