I'm trying to get Lync 2010 work in my lab environment. I've got a domain controller, a single lync server, a client and a SIP gateway. I've gotten to the part where I have a successfull login from the client to the lync server. I set up a few routes for testing, and made sure the output looks like I want it to when it's passed through Lync.

However, I have a problem when I try to make the call from the client!

The client reports: Operation was unsuccessful. The calling service did not respont. Wait and then try again.

Is this a typical error generated from a misconfiguration in the Lync server, or could this be the a problem with the SIP gateway?

What logs would I dig through, and where do I find them?

Any pointers are much appreciated!

  • 1
    You might try starting with the applications logs in the Event Viewer.
    – user48838
    Aug 16, 2011 at 8:12
  • Great tip! Can't beleive I didn't check the applogs on the server.. It says the PBX gateway isn't replying, so that kinda narrows it down! I know who to hit in the head now ;) Thank you!
    – xstnc
    Aug 16, 2011 at 8:24
  • 1
    No problem. Some applications "plug in" correctly while others write their own logs...
    – user48838
    Aug 16, 2011 at 12:38

1 Answer 1


Solved by checking applogs. Seems like a misconfigured PBX, which didn't want to reply on the correct port.

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