
Something like Bitbucket (of course much less feature-rich). It must be able to hold multiple repositories, and be private (i.e. if you don't login, it doesn't show you anything).

It should be able to run on a Linux server, and if it's also easy to setup (like phpMyAdmin) it would of course be better.

phpHgAdmin seems abandoned and doesn't even have a website, and the others I've seen mentioned don't look very promising. This is usually a sign that "it doesn't exists", but maybe I just didn't search well enough.


3 Answers 3



The easiest way to share and manage your Git, Mercurial and Subversion repositories over http.

  • Very easy installation
  • No need to hack configuration files, SCM-Manager is completely configureable from its Web-Interface
  • No Apache and no database installation is required
  • Central user, group and permission management
  • Out of the box support for Git, Mercurial and Subversion
  • Full RESTFul Web Service API (JSON and XML)
  • Rich User Interface
  • Simple Plugin API
  • Useful plugins available ( f.e. Ldap-, ActiveDirectory-, PAM-Authentication)
  • Looks very interesting, much more polished than rhodecode... I'll try it, thanks!
    – o0'.
    Feb 6, 2012 at 15:32
  • It is also simpler to set up than RhodeCode, since SCM-Manager is kind of self-contained: just add java and you're done.
    – alexandrul
    Feb 6, 2012 at 20:56

RhodeCode is a great Bitbucket-like tool you can install yourself.

I like it: it's under heavy development but is already very feature full. I recently installed it for a client and they see good performance with it. They are ~65 developers and have ~50 machines in a build farm that pull from the RhodeCode server.

  • (a pity I didn't manage to install on OSX, though)
    – o0'.
    Dec 12, 2011 at 9:08
  • 1
    Please contact the RhodeCode developers on their normal mailing list — that's a much better way to ask for support. Dec 12, 2011 at 20:43

Nowadays Phabricator looks like a good solution - apparently you can disable any modules you don't want, such as code review, wiki etc.

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