How can I get a rowcount for all tables in MySQL. I can do this databases by database if that is easier.

The purpose is to do a cursory check on my database replication that was just setup.

5 Answers 5


try mk-table-checksum instead. docs might be scary but together with mk-checksum-filter it's very useful tool.


If you are want to check on your replication setup, have you considered using:


./mysql -utest -ptest dbname -e 'show table status\G' | awk '/Name/ {name = $2}; /Rows/ {print $2"\t"name}' | sort -gr


I found this article to be a very crisp and clean way to retrieve all the tables along with their row counts.

  • This answer would be more useful if it went into more detail about the solution in the linked article. Links often go away; if this one does, this answer becomes useless.
    – pjmorse
    Dec 14, 2012 at 2:04

Also useful could be:

show table status;

Must be executed for each database. Just sho it for you current used database. Alternate but not fast way: Use the information schema:

select TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, ENGINE, TABLE_ROWS from information_schema.tables;

-> ENGINE could be important, maybe you want the filter the information about performance_schema or information_schema, etc. which will not be replicated.

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