Is there a way to print out messages to the console before executing a command in puppet. For example, let's say my manifest has:

exec {
    command => 'mycommandhere'

I would like to print a message that says 'Running my command'. Is there an easy way to do this, other than calling another command before it that does the print out?

  • 3
    Is there some reason why you don't just call puppet with the --debug option?
    – Zoredache
    Mar 1, 2012 at 5:20
  • Didn't think of that -- I'm still pretty new to puppet. thanks. Mar 1, 2012 at 13:34

3 Answers 3


Sure, just chain two resources together:

notify { 'some-command':
  message => 'some-command is going to be executed now'

exec { 'some-command':
  command => '/path/to/some-command',

Notify['some-command'] -> Exec['some-command']

There is no way to write your puppet manifest to print a message exactly before your exec resource other than making it a part of the exec. For the general case of printing messages, look at notify. For your specific case, perhaps running puppet in verbose or debug mode will work.


You can use notice() or warning() (depending on what you want to tell the user)

notice( 'some-command is going to be executed now' )

and then simply exec right after that line.

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