I try to install firebird2.1-super with chef. So I can't use dpkg-reconfigure. So I tried to use

debconf-set-selections /var/cache/firebird/firebird-server.seed

In firebird-server.seed:

firebird2.1-super       shared/firebird/sysdba_password/first_install  
                                                           password  qwerty 

firebird2.1-super       shared/firebird/server_in_use   error
firebird2.1-super       shared/firebird/purge_databases boolean false
firebird2.1-super       shared/firebird/enabled boolean true
firebird2.1-super       shared/firebird/purge_security  boolean false

But this change nothing. After install (sudo apt-get install firebird2.1-super) firebird didn't start up automatically.

What can I do to start firebird automatically without dpkg-reconfigure? How to preseed firebird in the right way?

1 Answer 1


Found this one:

For future reference if someone else encounters this problem. If you edit /etc/default/firebird2.5 so that the ENABLE_FIREBIRD_SERVER variable is set to TRUE. Then you can just run sudo service firebird2.5-super start to run the service without having to reconfigure the package. This however assumes that you've taken care of creating the password file and related configuration options.

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