Is there a command in linux (more specifically on CentOS 5), that shows how many bytes/sec each file is being read in the past few second. A similar tool in win7 is the Resource Monitor, which can show each file's read speed, and it is helpful diagnosing system performance degrade.

It is duplicate to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9730509/show-each-files-read-write-rate, where I was told to ask here.

1 Answer 1


Have you seen pidstat? http://sebastien.godard.pagesperso-orange.fr/man_pidstat.html

pidstat -d shows disk io for all processes.

Some horribly hacky bash:

lsof myfilename | grep -v PID | awk '{print $2}' | xargs pidstat -d -p

For general system info (which is what use for system performance), I love iostat.

iostat -x

  • but pidstat still doesn't trace the IO at file level.
    – icando
    May 17, 2012 at 7:26

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