I am configuring an Ubuntu server on Amazon EC2. The tutorial I am following says /etc/host to be configured like this.       localhost.domain.com   localhost
X.X.X.X         subdomain.domain.com   subdomain

Suppose my site name is abc.com. Is the current configuration correct for my site.       localhost.abc.com   localhost
X.X.X.X         www.abc.com         www

I have a doubt regarding subdomain. How exactly are they identified and written?

1 Answer 1


the second line should have been

X.X.X.X www.abc.com www

domains are hierarchical, so you can have sub1.abc.com, www.sub1.abc.com, or even www.sub2.sub1.abc.com, etc.

  • sorry! i intended it to be www. Is www a subdomain ?
    – Terminal
    Apr 11, 2012 at 14:29
  • here no, www is a host name, not a subdomain normally, but it could be, if you have www2.www.abc.com etc., but normally www is a host or a cname to mean that it serves web pages. it is entirely up to you, but a logical and intuitive system would help others, such as www.hr.abc.com, www.marketing.abc.com, etc.
    – johnshen64
    Apr 11, 2012 at 14:34

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