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My server's been hacked EMERGENCY

Our client VPN Server got hacked, we change the password and FTP but it keeping happening every day now :( , Has any on had a hacked message like the "Hacked By ENES" visit "essexdrugaction[dot]org" to see what i mean.

Any help would be most appreciated.

  • Can't help you if we don't have any facts. What web sites are you running? How are they configured? Are they fully patched and up to date?
    – Rushyo
    Aug 3, 2012 at 12:02
  • All the file keeps on getting deleted.
    – John Doe
    Aug 3, 2012 at 12:02
  • 7
    Burn it down, rebuild it with backup. This is the only valid answer you will receive here.
    – DanBig
    Aug 3, 2012 at 12:08
  • the site is essexdrugaction.org, as for configs I have no clue i have never touch a VPN server before
    – John Doe
    Aug 3, 2012 at 12:09
  • Take the hacked server offline, make a full backup for later analyses (So you know how did they got in). Reformat. Install a clean OS, update the OS and used programs. Only then restore data from backup and bring the server back on-line.
    – Hennes
    Aug 3, 2012 at 12:13

1 Answer 1


Kill it, kill it now.

Nuke it into orbit and rebuild it. There is no way of knowing you got everything they did to the server. Start fresh and reinstall your OS.

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