OS - RHEL 5.5 I have root access to the server. I have also created a user 'mysql' on the seerver. The mysql db was preinstalled for us and user mysql was created as a root user of the db.

Here is what happens If I login to the machine with user mysql, I can access the mysql shell. But when I log in as root, I cannot access the mysql shell even when I do 'su mysql'

Question - What is the reason behind this behavior? Isn't logging in with 'mysql' and changing to user 'mysql' the same things?

  • 5
    You do mean sudo mysql right?
    – lc.
    Sep 12, 2012 at 6:15
  • do want to access mysql database through root user?
    – user128296
    Sep 12, 2012 at 10:45
  • was the command "su mysql" successful (-> 'whoami')? If not, the shell for the user mysql might have been (by default) defined as '/bin/false' instead of e.g. '/bin/bash'. Jul 20, 2022 at 22:30

1 Answer 1


In all likelihood, you have a mysql user without a password.

Try this

mysql -u mysql


su - mysql

The "-" on su makes it a proper login shell, so that all environment variables (and everything else) is set up the same way as logging in directly as that user.

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