I'm creating a bounce email system where addressees can reply to messages on my site.

However when the email are sent to the user containing the previous message, the Reply-To field contains an address like this [email protected] (which contains the ID at the end).

If the user replies, the reply message will be sent back to [email protected] which of course, doesn't have its own mailbox, except the [email protected].

How would I redirect all incoming messages coming from a specific wildcard notification-message-*@mysite.com to [email protected]? I did some research, but no solid part worked, including the luser_relay = [email protected] and putting notification-message-* in the postfix aliases table, the notification@ has a Maildir, so the mail would go into it.

A concept diagram:

enter image description here

I am using Ubuntu 11.04.


4 Answers 4


I'd be inclined to solve this using recipient_delimiter.

If you don't mind using slightly different Reply-To addresses, you can set:

recipient_delimiter = +

in your config, and then mail to e.g. [email protected] (note the +) will be delivered to the notification user (assuming there are no more-specific rules/users matching notification+message-988742).

You could try setting recipient_delimiter = - (so that you could use the Reply-To headers as they are in the question) but I'm not sure how that would work with multiple instances of the delimiter on the left-hand side, and I don't have a Postfix to hand to check.


As have said mschuett, you can use regexp

First check that postfix supports regexp:

root @ mail / #  postconf -m | grep regexp

Create the file /etc/postfix/aliases-regexp and add to it your regexp

root @ mail / #  cat /etc/postfix/aliases-regexp
/notification-message-[0-9]+@example\.net/ [email protected]

Run postmap and check whether it works:

root @ mail / #  postmap /etc/postfix/aliases-regexp
root @ mail / #  postmap -q [email protected] regexp:/etc/postfix/aliases-regexp
[email protected]

If everything is OK, add this file to your alias database


root @ mail / #  cat /etc/postfix/main.cf | grep ^alias_maps
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases regexp:/etc/postfix/aliases-regexp

If you are using virtual domains, add this file to your virtual_alias_maps


root @ mail / #  cat /etc/postfix/main.cf | grep ^virtual_alias_maps
virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/alias.conf regexp:/etc/postfix/aliases-regexp

Do not forget to restart postfix.

Good luck!

  • 1
    Is it possible to store the regex aliases in a database like MySQL or sqlite3, like you do with the mysql: lookup table?
    – gitaarik
    Dec 17, 2014 at 11:14
  • 3
    @rednaw Yes, definitely possible (and preferable IMO)! Just modify the query used in the mysql-virtual-aliases.cf file to something like query = SELECT destination FROM virtual_aliases WHERE is_regexp=0 AND source='%s' OR is_regexp=1 AND '%s' REGEXP CONCAT('^',source,'$') as described in this question. This way, you can use both regexp aliases and non-regexp aliases in the same table with a simple database flag (is_regexp). Pretty sweet. Jan 29, 2015 at 0:18
  • @NickMerrill plase considered adding your comment as an answer.
    – adopilot
    Sep 24, 2018 at 11:50
  • postconf-m misses a white space. Unfortunately I don't have enough rep to fix it. :( ( meta.stackexchange.com/questions/77233 )
    – Morty
    Jan 12, 2021 at 6:10

Alias maps (virtual, local, ...) will work in combination with the regexp_table format. But if you have compiled in PCRE, then you can also use the pcre_table format.

Otherwise you should search for "Postfix catch-all" which is a bit more greedy.

  • Do you have an example of how I can do this?
    – MacMac
    Oct 7, 2012 at 14:29
  • Just use virtual_alias_maps with a regexp_table /notification-message-[0-9]*@mysite.com/ [email protected]
    – mschuett
    Oct 8, 2012 at 14:45

Create a rule using "with specific words in the sender's address." It will accept multiple words as "or" but I don't see how to do it with an "and." Perhaps this gets you far enough.

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