I'm using ADExplorer 1.42 from Microsoft. I'm not very versed at this program so please kindly help me out with a search-related problem.

Right click on a node(e.g., CN=NlscanStaff) and select Search Container... , with default search attributes, I can see all objects inside NlscanStaff listed as result.

enter image description here

Note that there is a CN=CHJTEST object listed.

Now, my question is, how to search for CHJTEST specifically?

I tried search condition:

  • Attribute : distinguishedName
  • Relation : contains
  • Value : CN=CHJTEST

Click Add , then Search . But no result.

enter image description here

Can someone tell me what's going wrong? Thanks.

  • Wouldn't the value just be CHJTEST? Nov 23, 2012 at 5:06
  • Tried that, same result.
    – Jimm Chen
    Nov 23, 2012 at 6:38

2 Answers 2


You will want to use the Attribute "cn" and not "distinguishedName" for that type of wildcard search in the ADExplorer utility from Sysinternals. Do not include CN= in the Value field, just the portion of the name you want to search for. E.g. CHJTEST)

If you have problems using the "cn" attribute for this simple search, I would recommend upgrading to version 1.44 of ADExplorer.

  • Great, thanks, now I got it. I was misled by the search result GUI.
    – Jimm Chen
    Nov 23, 2012 at 8:40
  • 0down vote I have 1.44 and tried to search for some information in the attribute managedBy, what ever I try it doesn't work to find specific values. Only "managedBy not empty" works. Did I miss something ?
    – nojetlag
    Dec 4, 2014 at 13:41

Solution found according to MagusNet.

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