I have a question about domain A records.

I have a VPS and I want to point my domain to its IP.

Now, do I have to add an entry into the A record for mydomain.com AND www.mydomain.com? Or will simply adding an entry for mydomain.com make the www.mydomain.com work automatically?

2 Answers 2


Each of the two entries you mention is individual and distinct. So if you want both to work, you need to add both.

  • 1
    It is generally considered a good practice to put the 'www' record as a CNAME, not an A record, assuming it is the same.
    – Scrivener
    Jan 20, 2013 at 8:38
  • i just put it as an A name and it works fine.
    – scarhand
    Jan 20, 2013 at 17:51

You may add an A record for your IP and a CNAME record for www. or *. like:

.domain.tld     A      3600 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (IP)
www.domain.tld  CNAME  3600 domain.tld


*.domain.tld    CNAME  3600 domain.tld

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