I have an apache2 server with few virtual host. Two of those Virtual Hosts is using modJK to handle pages generated by Glassfish. I have global configuration for modJK and JkMount directives used only in VirtualHost sections. Generally this configuration works, but sometimes (quite often) I get 503 error when I'm trying to access those Glassfish pages. I don't know how to find a reason of that (maybe some hits ?), but I changed log level for modJk to debug. And I saw entries like this:

jk_map_to_storage::mod_jk.c (3773): missing uri map for domainWithoutJkMount:/viewtopic.php

This is an entry for request that is handled by PHP, and the Virtual Host for this domain has no JkMount. So as I understand the documentation modJK shouldn't send anything from this VH to modJk.

Why I can see those entries in log file?

1 Answer 1


I think modJK is outdated and not reliable.

I messed with it a time ago and would recommend to just use apaches mod_proxy, which is really easy to configure and just works.

Uninstall mod_jk and install mod_proxy, the put something like the following in your vhost configuration file:

    ProxyRequests Off

    ProxyPass /
    ProxyPassReverse / 

assuming that your glassfish's aquarium is located on localhost port 8080. If the error still occurs, there must be something wrong within your glassfish instance.

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