I am currently setting up a server on my network for web development work and was wondering if there is any better way of doing what I intend to do.

My work machine is a Windows 7 desktop and I am virtualizing an Ubuntu server to act as my LAMP stack. Now, to get projects to and from my windows machine for editing I am going to configure a samba share on the server of the entire www/ directory, and map it to a drive in windows.

I will also be using git to push changes up to my web server as my online staging area, enabling me to preview my work to my bosses etc.

I quite like the workflow of git & pushing to a remote server in particular, I'm also not a major fan of mapped drives, if I shut down the Linux machine and have files open, programs with these files open start to freeze out which is also quite irritating.

I was thinking potentially I could configure git on my local Linux server and push to it separate from my webserver but one of the things I do like about my mapped drives setup is being able to make changes and see them happen without having to do git add / git commit / git push everytime.

I work alone so I'm not 100% on what the best practices are, and I may just have to take a decision of one of the two options I seem to have, but I wanted to post here to see if there is a better way of doing things, as I'm always keen to learn if there is.

Security is not a key issue here, but if there are security issues I would like to hear them.


  • What virtualization software are you using?
    – gevial
    Mar 12, 2013 at 9:49
  • I'm using VMWare Player
    – danbroooks
    Mar 12, 2013 at 9:55

1 Answer 1


If you're working alone, you can make use of some of the options that fuse offers, like SSHFS, with the windows components, you can have mapped drives more securely, you can even set up keys and do passwordless entry. I'm not a huge fan of samba, not because it's a bad program, it just has to replicate a bad protocol as faithfully as possible unfortunately.

  • +1, I've never heard of this before. I was going to suggest sftp of course as that is common practice.
    – MDMoore313
    Mar 12, 2013 at 10:54

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