I'm setting up a new OpenLDAP server on Ubuntu 12.04 with a copy of our current LDAP database. I've gotten most of the configuration down, I think, but I'm having trouble telling if the LDAP queries are encrypted or not. I suspect there may be a misconfiguration with the certificates, but I'm not sure how to tell.

Any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated!

1 Answer 1

  1. Check your logs.
    (Or run the OpenLDAP clients in Verbose mode and they will tell you if they're using SSL.)

  2. Don't trust your logs/clients.
    (Run wireshark or something similar and verify the traffic.)

  • Ran wireshark, and I can see my password clear as day. Thanks for your help!
    – zymhan
    May 20, 2013 at 18:21

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