I'm planning a centralized log server for 200+ Linux boxes, rsyslog on both the client and server side. Here are my requirements:

  • Do not log anything locally on Linux boxes and send everything to centralized log server.
  • In case the centralized log server crashes, then

How do I tell the clients to start logging locally? Or

What would be the best option in case of failed central log server?

  • 1
    Who logs the loggers?
    – Dan
    Oct 22, 2013 at 12:33

1 Answer 1


The way I've set up redundant syslog servers is by using a load balancer and shared file storage. I basically have all of my endpoints and my syslog servers log to /mnt/logs which is a shared SAN storage. Both servers have that mounted and can write to it so no matter which server is up, the logs will always be in the same place. I have some additional details in my previous post which can be found here.

Sorry, I only answered part of your question in my initial post. As far as sending all logs to the central location, I just modified the rsyslog.conf and added this line.

auth.*;authpriv.*                               @my-syslog-server:514

In my example, I just want the auth and authpriv logs, you can do . if you want everything. I'd recommend keeping the local logging as well just in case. No reason to modify everything else when the system is made to keep logs for ~1 week depending on how it's configured. As far as Windows goes, I use nxlog as an agent and send all logs via it. You can also use Snare as it's a little simpler to setup if you are not used to nxlog.


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