I am using crontab along with mysqldump command to take my db backups once in 2 days.I need to download these files from the server to my pc..can i automate this download process too using some command??Please help me..Thanks in advance..

My pc is not using linux..

  • Are we to assume both ends are Linux? Aug 24, 2009 at 7:42

4 Answers 4


Since you mention crontab I assume we are talking about Linux-to-Linux boxes, then scp is what will work the best doing exactly what you want.

All you need to do is,

  • Figure out the commands to be run at every nth interval.

    e.g. #scp user@hostname:/path-to-srcfile/filename /destination-path/new-filename

  • Couple them in a neat shell file with logging enabled (directing the response messages/error to a log file)
  • Schedule it using crontab/at or your preferred scheduling tool

and you are done :-)


Seeing that your PC is not linux, most of the advice given already will work, BUT ONLY if you create a share on your Windows box and mount that share on your server. Windows shares can be mounted with the CIFS type, like this

mount -t cifs //server/share /mountpoint credentials=filename

You will need to use the correct credentials, i.e. either a local user account or an AD user account on the PC. IF you use this on a regular basis, it's probably best to put the credentials in a small separate file.

Read more in the man pages for mount.cifs

Once you have mounted the share, follow the advice from Mohit Nanda to complete the job.


scp? rsync?


If both are linux boxes, you can have your ssh-key exchanged(but review security once) and thenembed scp+mysqldump in a small script and put the same in crontab in place currently existing single mysqldump.

Hope it helps..

Best Regards Debajit Kataki

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