I have a domain nomadapp.in which is registered at GoDaddy.

For temp hosting i was using Dreamhost and had changed the NameServer in Godaddy to the ones of DreamHost.

Now i want to do the Following


http://nomadapp.in --> AWS EC2

http://blog.nomadapp.in --> Dreamhost where by blog is hosted

http://stats.nomadapp.in --> Dreamhost where by stats tracker is hosted

right now in Dreamhost DNS this is what shows up

enter image description here

  • 3
    The most common source of confusion with DNS is the difference between the registrar and the DNS provider since usually the same company provides both services. In your case, you changed the DNS provider from GoDaddy to DreamHost when you pointed the name servers at DreamHost. All other DNS changes are done at the DNS provider. The only thing you can change at the registrar is who your DNS provider is.
    – Ladadadada
    Mar 24, 2014 at 9:04

2 Answers 2


You can find out the ip here:


So currently the Domain nomadapp.in is mapping to the IP ( Dreamhost Server )

If you want blog.nomadapp.in you have to map this domain via A Record to the IP And stats.nomadapp.in to the IP too. ( I dont know the DNS Management from Dreamhost )

The Domain nomadapp.in you have to map to the AWS EC2 via A Record or CNAME.

You can change the DNS Records where you Domain ist registered. It seems that you registred the Domain via Dreamhost. See here the DNS docu from Dreamhost -> http://wiki.dreamhost.com/DNS

Please notice that it can take up to 48 hours untill the DNS Nameserver is updated.

  • but the a record in the dreamhost is pointing to someother ip. updated my question
    – Harsha M V
    Mar 24, 2014 at 9:10
  • 1
    Point the first IP to AWS EC2. Point blog to the IP of the server where your blog is hosted. The same thing with stats. And no it will not slow down your site :) Mar 24, 2014 at 9:12
  • glad i could help you. If you`re statisfied i would appreciate it if you accept my answer :) Mar 24, 2014 at 9:17

All you have to do is setup an A record for each service that points to the relevant IP address.

You should probably also familiarise your self with the DNS and how DNS works.

  • should i do that in Godaddy since its hosted there?
    – Harsha M V
    Mar 24, 2014 at 8:54
  • You should do it where your DNS is managed.
    – user9517
    Mar 24, 2014 at 8:56
  • will forwarding DNS from Godaddy to Dreamhost and then setting the a record in Dreamhost to AWS slow the ping time?
    – Harsha M V
    Mar 24, 2014 at 9:11

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