In my office environment, I have set up multiple Ubuntu machines with LDAP authentication using the LDAP & NFSv4 server hostS. The LDAP/NFS server hostS exports the /home directory for all users in the system. A client machine, hostC, on which I login using an ldap user sonny maps my UID correctly, but not my GID. I tested this by creating a file in /tmp/ on the machine hostC, and it is created with the right GID.

In other words:

sonny@hostC:~ $ ls -li .bashrc
4875596 -rw-r--r-- 1 sonny nogroup 5884 Mar 26 10:52 .bashrc
sonny@hostC:~ $


sonny@hostC:~ $ cd /tmp/
sonny@hostC:/tmp $ touch something
sonny@hostC:/tmp $ ls -li something 
6162694 -rw-r--r-- 1 sonny users 0 Sep  6 09:16 something
sonny@hostC:/tmp $ 

I am using NFSv4, and have configured /etc/idmap.conf like so:


Verbosity = 0
Pipefs-Directory = /run/rpc_pipefs
# set your own domain here, if id differs from FQDN minus hostname
# Domain = localdomain
Domain = sillydomain

Nobody-User = nobody
Nobody-Group = nogroup


Method = nsswitch

And I /etc/default/nfs-common (the same in hostS):


And yes, when I do id sonny on both hostS and hostC:

uid=1001(sonny) gid=1001(users) groups=1000(admin),1001(users)

My hostC /etc/fstab:

hostS:/home/        /home/      nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr,nfsvers=4 0 0

Can anyone tell me why my files are not being created as sonny users (i.e., not mapped to my GID as well) on the NFS shares?


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