Whenever I run salt '*' state.highstate, Salt outputs each module using the following format:

        Service zabbix-server-mysql is already enabled, and is in the desired state

I think this started happening after I accidently ran highstate with an e appended to the end like salt '*' state.highstate e.

Any theories on how to get it back to the normal output format?

  • Highstate output formatting is configured in /etc/salt/master or /etc/salt/master.d/ via several interleaving options. Oct 14, 2014 at 14:41
  • @DanGarthwaite Just checked, and those files haven't been modified since August 1st.
    – Soviero
    Oct 14, 2014 at 14:44
  • I'm not saying it makes sense. :) Give salt-master a restart, if that fixes it file a bug. Oct 14, 2014 at 14:50

1 Answer 1


Highstate output formatting is configured in /etc/salt/master or /etc/salt/master.d/ via several options. Try setting these and restarting salt-master. state_verbose

Controls the verbosity of state runs. By default, the results of all states are returned, but setting this value to False will cause salt to only display output for states which either failed, or succeeded without making any changes to the minion.

state_verbose: True

& state_output

The state_output setting changes if the output is the full multi line output for each changed state if set to 'full', but if set to 'terse' the output will be shortened to a single line. If set to 'mixed', the output will be terse unless a state failed, in which case that output will be full. If set to 'changes', the output will be full unless the state didn't change.

state_output: full

& output

Set the default outputter used by the salt command.

output: nested

  • BTW - I often use json output with the static option: salt \* pkg.version bash --out=json --static Oct 14, 2014 at 14:56
  • I made the changes you recommended, but it didn't make a difference. Still the same output format as above...
    – Soviero
    Oct 14, 2014 at 15:03
  • I just ran: salt tungsten state.highstate e and got back a normal output. Maybe something being returned is enormous (like the contents of multi-megabyte text file being appended) or something? To answer any more will require delving into the source code. Could you try the --out=json --static options on a highstate run and see if anything unexpected is being returned? Oct 14, 2014 at 15:08
  • No, nothing weird like that is being returned, and even the simplest of state files return the same thing: pastebin.com/FWt6JsHf
    – Soviero
    Oct 14, 2014 at 15:17
  • That is certainly the default, python outputter. I think this happened to me, too, many versions ago. What version of salt-master are you running? Do the salt-minions match? Have you tried restarting salt-master? I'm heading to lunch right now - good luck. Oct 14, 2014 at 15:24

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