
I have installed puppet 3.7, to validate I referred yum.log,install_log and used command puppet --version. Is there any command to validate for successful puppet installation.

Also I would like to connect agent with puppet enterprise master. I referred puppetlab document for PE Agent, My doubt is, to connect PE master the agent should be installed with puppet enterprise.

Please bear me if I asked anything stupidity. Because I am newbie to puppet.

1 Answer 1


You can do a very basic form of validation using a Hello World manifest.

puppet apply -e 'notify { "Hello, world!": }'

If this runs without error, Puppet is fully functional, most likely.

I have not tried using PE at all, but I see no reason why the PE master would not work with Open Source agents. There is a REST API at the base of Puppet's network implementation after all, and I assume that the different flavors are compatible in this regards.

With that being said, the PE FAQ seem to imply that your whole infrastructure should be upgraded to PE if you go that route.

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