How do you change the Host Management Credentials in System Center Virtual Machine Manager for servers in a cluster?

If I right click on the server and go to properties I can see the Run As account under the Host Access section. But the box to select a different account is grayed out.

If I right click on the cluster and go to properties, there is no Host Access section.

1 Answer 1


This change can be done from the PowerShell command window.

  1. In the ribbon inside VMM click the PowerShell button

  2. Run the command $YourCluster = Get-SCVMHostCluster -Name YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME replacing YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME with the name of your cluster.

  3. Run the command $YourRunAs = Get-SCRunAsAccount -Name "YOURRUNASACCOUNT" replacing YOURRUNASACCOUNT with the name of the run as account inside of VMM. This could be different than the actual account name
  4. Type $YourCluster and and hit enter to make sure that the variable contains the right cluster. Do the same for $YourRunAs.
  5. Run Set-SCVmHostCluster -VMHostCluster $YourCluster -VMHostManagementCredential $YourRunAs

It can take a minute to run, but afterwards your hosts in the cluster will be managed with the new Run As account. You can right click on any host and go to properties > Host Access to verify.

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