
New to puppet, so probably something simple. Cannot understand why the below manifest does not work. When run on an agent I get the following error:

Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at '='; expected '}' at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:14

node 'linuxlab' {

include apt

apt::unattended_upgrades {
  origins             = $::apt::params::origins,
  update              = '1',
  download            = '1',
  upgrade             = '1',
  autoclean           = '7',


1 Answer 1


You don't use = to pass parameters to a class.
=> is used for that.
= is used to assign values to variables.
So that code should be changed to:

node 'linuxlab' {

  include apt

  apt::unattended_upgrades {
    origins             => $::apt::params::origins,
    update              => '1',
    download            => '1',
    upgrade             => '1',
    autoclean           => '7',

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