I have a situation regarding MS SQL Server database.

My friend ask me to repair a certain database, because a range of data has been lost after a hard disk failure, but eventually after troubleshooting, swapping the data cables of the two HDD with software RAID 1 configuration, the hard disk has been restore and operational, but, unfortunately, a range of data is nowhere to be found.

Question: What do you think happened to the data? corrupted? The data has been corrupted when the hard disk failed? Can I recovered that data?

MS SQL Server 2000 MS Windows Server 2003 R2


  • Could have been corrupted, or lost. You would have to provide more detail in order for us to help you. May 11, 2015 at 8:45
  • The database has the data from April 1 to 30. May 1, the server encountered a problem, blue screen and a hard disk failure. After troubleshooting and the server become available, the data from April 1 to 30 disappeared... Update: The company's IT Specialist manage to recovered the lost data. Is it possible to recovered a lost data without the backup file? THanks
    – Mark
    May 12, 2015 at 23:59
  • Ask how he did it, and post it here as an answer. :) I'd vote you up. May 13, 2015 at 8:46
  • @Konrad Gajewski, Yes, I would vote for it too... :)
    – Mark
    May 21, 2015 at 1:18


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