On a linux system is there any way to use nohup when the process that is being nohuped required input, such as an rsync command that needs a password to be entered but will then run happily on its own?

6 Answers 6


If the command doesn't have to be scripted, you can do it this way:

  1. run it in the foreground
  2. pause it (CTRL+Z)
  3. disown it so that it won't be closed when you close your shell (disown -h %jobid)
  4. resume the job in the background (bg %jobid)
  • "stop it" ... "restart the job"... do you mean "pause it" and "resume the job" ? or really stop the job and start from the beginning again?
    – ADTC
    Dec 11, 2015 at 4:48
  • 1
    @ADTC: well "stop" is the terminology used by the operating system itself (CTRL+Z sends a TSTP signal), but pause/resume would be more understandable... I'll update the answer :)
    – Joril
    Dec 11, 2015 at 11:37
  • ctr-z would have killed an scp job.
    – alvas
    Jun 28, 2016 at 10:18
  • 1
    I'm going to comment here that jobid IS NOT THE SAME AS process ID (which is what I naturally thought) - see superuser.com/questions/276748/list-job-ids-instead-process-ids. also, you need to include the % symbol in your commands.
    – nealio82
    Apr 26, 2017 at 9:55
  • This is all very fine to keep the job running on disconnect, but I find that TSTP (^Z) of a parent script will suspend the job that was disown'ed. Subsequent ^C will then let the job continue, but is there any way to say "don't take any signals from the terminal" ? (perhaps a different question...) And, yes, I have redirected stdin/stdout/stderr to /dev/null
    – user67327
    Jun 27, 2021 at 1:02

You want to look at screen. Screen will create a shell session for you, which you can detach and then reattach at a later date. Try:

 # screen rsync -a directory server@directory

You can type in your password, verify that it's running as you expect and then press 'ctrl-a' followed by 'd'. You should now be detached from your screen session. If you want to see how it's getting on, run

 # screen -r

and you should be reattached. 'ctrl-a' 'd' will detach you again.

When the command finishes, screen should quit.


If possible it might be better for the specific instance of running an rsync command to set up SSH key authentication without a password rather than try to automatically stuff a password into rsync.


Some modules on the remote daemon may require authentication. If so, you will receive a password prompt when you connect. You can avoid the password prompt by setting the environment variable RSYNC_PASSWORD to the password you want to use or using the --password-file option. This may be useful when scripting rsync.

found this in the man page


Aside from what's been said above, the most general solution might be to wrap the command in a script that takes input from a file and passes it on (perhaps using pipes, or expect, or something like that). The wrapper script itself is then just a normal command that doesn't require input, of course.


The (very late) answer is:

Yes, you can use nohup with a process that requires input:

A: You can either start your process as you would usually:

  • So you type nohup ... & like so:

    nohup rsync -av [email protected]:/from/here/ ./to/here &

    Now when you hit enter the process will start but is detached so you are in the situation you encountered and previewed as a problem: How to enter the credentials for user john at doe.io?

  • Type jobs in your terminal and you will see something like:

    [1]+  Stopped                 nohup rsync -av [email protected]::/from/here/ ./to/here

    The [1]+ indicates the jobid (here it is just 1). Also, the process in now actually halted since the rsync command is waiting for input, hence the Stopped state.

  • Type fg %<jobid> so in the example it would be fg %1 (don't forget the %, it's part of the syntax!)

  • Now you brought the process to the foreground and can interact with it.

B: Or simply ditch the ampersand, so the process stays in the foreground (and you essentially follow the the accepted answer by @Joril).

  • So you would type:

    nohup rsync -av [email protected]:/from/here/ ./to/here

    And you readily can interact with the process.

In both cases, A or B, now you can interact with the process:

  • In our example the last line of in your terminal would now read something like:

    [email protected]'s password: 
  • Once you are done interacting hit Ctrl + Z which will halt the process

  • Type jobs and you will see something like:

    [1]+  Stopped                 nohup rsync -av [email protected]::/from/here/ ./to/here
  • The only thing now left to do is to make the process running again. To do so simply type: bg %<jobid> (so bg %1 in our example).

  • We are done! Go grab a coffee and and check your nohup.out file from time to time to see if the process has finished.

  • Or you start it without the ampersand, handle the input and then send it to the background with ctrl-z and bg and skip the useless back and forth. Apr 8 at 13:34
  • @GeraldSchneider indeed, you are right. And then we are back to the accepted answer, with a minor addition that the it to run in the foreground in point 1 can be nohup ....
    – j-i-l
    Apr 8 at 13:37
  • This is actually just a more detailed version of the accepted answer then. @GeraldSchneider should I just delete it?
    – j-i-l
    Apr 8 at 13:40

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