I've got an nginx config that does ssl-pki authentication - I'm happily able to authenticate my users.

However, I want to take it a bit further - I want to allow/deny access to resources based on the ssl variables - specifically $ssl_client_s_dn (and verify that $ssl_client_verify is 'SUCCESS')

Based on this I want to selectively allow/deny groups of URLs based on a user list. In this scenario, Elasticsearch. I have:

  • Some common APIs I want to access (server status, cluster health, 'ping').
  • Some indicies I want one group of users to be able to 'see'
  • Some indices I want another group of users to 'see'.

Now it looks like I can probably do this with http_auth_request - redirect to an 'auth' url - a bit like outlined in this blog

But this seems a bit overkill to me, as to do that I'll have to write my own 'engine' to accept/read http, validate it against what amounts to a regex, and spit out a response code.

What I'm trying to do 'whitelist' e.g. for me:

allow if /(logstash|filebeat|topbeat)-mygroup-.*/;

(where 'mygroup' is read from a file somewhere, and ideally allows to have multiple-group membership).

Now, is this best done with http_auth_request, and feeding it to a really cut down validator web app (either script standalone, or a cgi type script inside NGINX) or is there a better way?

This module is an extra for nginx, which means a recompile. That's not a disaster, but if it's not necessary (and I can continue using 'stock' nginx) that would be preferable.

1 Answer 1


Perhaps something like this would work. Given a file path, it will return a "Forbidden" response unless $ssl_client_verify has been set appropriately.

location ^~ /(logstash|filebeat|topbeat) {
   if ($ssl_client_verify != "SUCCESS") {
    return 403;
  • I'm doing this already, by requiring client verification. I'm trying for something a little more fine grained - an admin user should be able to access admin APIs, and a user in a group should be able to access indices (urls) matching that group name.
    – Sobrique
    Jan 27, 2016 at 14:03
  • 1
    That kind of logic is nearly always handled at an application level, not a web-server level. Projects like Node.js merge the app-logic and web-server logic, so handling this with something like Node.js or another backend application server would be a natural fit. Jan 27, 2016 at 14:26

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