I might've done this wrong. I created a user with :

sudo adduser --disabled-password userX

And I've added a public key to /home/userX/.ssh/authorized_keys. But when I ssh into the account I get the following error:

port 22: Connection timed out

SSH works fine when I log into other accounts.

Was I wrong to --disabled-password? Does this do something else? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

2 Answers 2


Was I wrong to --disable-password?

No, it seems unlikely this will be causing a timeout.

Does this do something else?

It does what it says, creates an account with a disabled password.

I would be looking to see if there is a firewall somewhere between you and the server to determine the cause of the Connection timed out message.

  • 1
    This was correct. Very stupid oversight on my part. I had limited outgoing ssh to certain ip blocks. Cheers
    – D.Mill
    Mar 3, 2016 at 20:16

Try connecting with ssh -vvv to see the debug messages.

If this just happens with this one account, you should see some difference in the verbose output with respect to other users which work.

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